104 Ward Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506-2502

Voice: 785.532.6519
Fax: 785.532.5985
E-mail: chsr@k-state.edu





The Outreach programs administered by the Center for Hazardous Substance Research at Kansas State University help various communities with their environmental assessment and cleanup needs, providing a link between the community and the university, serving the needs of environmental justice communities, empowering community groups and their leaders, reviewing and explaining technical reports, and offering information and training.

Services are organized into three separate programs, described below.

Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities (TAB):

The Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) program provides training and technical assistance to cities and other groups who are interested in redeveloping brownfields. The primary goal is to empower communities with an independent understanding of the underlying technical issues related to hazardous substances so they may contribute substantively to the decision-making process when sites are cleaned up and re-used. Visit the TAB homepage

Program has ended:
Technical Outreach Services for Communities (TOSC)

Technical Outreach Services for Communities began in 1994 with center professionals assisting communities in dealing with hazardous substance issues. The program provides an information hotline, workshops, technical and educational programs for communities, site assistance, and public education on hazardous substance issues. Visit the TOSC homepage

Program has ended:
Technical Outreach Services for Native American Communities (TOSNAC)

The Technical Outreach Services for Native American Communities (TOSNAC) program provides technical assistance to Native Americans dealing with hazardous substance issues. This program is national in scope and coordinated through the Haskell Environmental Research Studies Center at Haskell Indian Nations University. It provides first contact, needs assessment, initial support, and long-term technical support arrangements by regional TOSC programs and other resources, as necessary. Visit the TOSNAC homepage

NOTE:  The EPA TOSC and TOSNAC programs ended on August 31, 2006. The TAB program continues to serve brownfields efforts. KSU may continue to provide technical assistance at Superfund and Native American sites through other programs. Communities seeking technical assistance for Superfund or Native American sites from EPA funded programs should contact:


- Belinda Young in EPA Region 7’s office (for help in Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, or Iowa) at 913-551-7463 and Young.Belinda@epa.gov;


- Briana Bill in EPA Region 5’s office (for help in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio) at 312-353-6646 and Bill.Briana@epa.gov; or


- Karen Martin at EPA Headquarters at 703-603-9925, Martin.Karenl@epa.gov; or


- EPA personnel identified at the bottom of each TOSC Site description page.

© The Center for Hazardous Substance Research
Last modified October 15, 2013