How to Use the Engineering Listserv
The LISTSERV mailing list is an efficient way to send emails to a specific collection of recipients. An example of this would be wanting to sent an email to only engineering freshmen, and not to the entire engineering student body. This page will guide you through the requirements needed to make that happen.
Please note that only certain people are authorized to send email to this listserv. If you have a need to do so, please email requesting such access and why you believe it should be granted.
In order to properly utilize the listserv, you need to send an email to
ENGG_STUDENTS@LISTSERV.KSU.EDU with atleast two topics. The first topic needs to be from the set of:
- allclass, fr, so, ju, sr
Those topics represent the following subsets: all classifications, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior. So sending an email with a topic of fr will send to all freshmen.
The seconds topics needs to be from the set of:
- allcurr, are, atm, bme, bse, ce, che, cmpen, cnsm, cs, ucs, ee, enun, enve, ie, me, pcnsm, pare
Those topics represent the following subsets of the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering: all plans, architectual, biomedical engineering, biological systems, civil, chemical, computer engineering, computer science, electrical, general engineering, industrial, mechanical, manufacturing systems, pre-construction science & management, pre-architectual.
Note that there is also a special topic, called 'every'. If you use every, then no other topics need to be listed, and if they are, they will effectively be ignored. Your email will go to the entire student population. Using the every topic also means you only need to give a single topic instead of the normal two.
Topics are put in the subject line. If you end your list of topics with a colon LISTSERV ignores anything else on the subject line. Your message is then placed in the body of the email.
Some examples on how to properly use the LISTSERV is as follows:
TO: SUBJECT: so,cs: Special Internship Opportunities Avalable This would send an email to sophomores in computer science. |
TO: SUBJECT: fr,so,allcurr: Insert Some Subject Here This would be sent to all freshmen and sophomores. |
TO: SUBJECT: fr,cs,cmpen: Insert Some Subject Here This would be sent to all freshmen computer science and computer engineering students. |
The topics translate to actual KSIS plan codes as such:
are = bare
atm = batm
bme = bbme
bse = bbse
ce = bce
che = bche
cmpen = bcmpen
cnsm = bcnsm
cs = bcs
ucs = ucs
ee = bee
enun = unen
enve = benve
ie = bie
me = bme
pcnsm = upcnsm
pare = upare