How to Map a Network Drive

H: Drives are no longer provided by the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering. We recommend using OneDrive from your K-State provided Office365 subscription.

For Windows computers

  • To connect from off-campus, you must first connect to the campus through K-State's Virtual Private Network (VPN). Attempts to connect directly will not work. On-campus connections do not need to (and should not) use the VPN. Visit the VPN software website (free for K-State faculty/staff/students) to download the software.
  • Open up Windows Explorer (My Computer). If using Windows 10 make sure to click "This PC" on the left hand side after you open Windows Explorer.
  • There is a horizontal list of clickable buttons at the top of the window. Click on the one that is labeled "Map network drive". This will open another window.
  • Drive: Use the drop-down menu to select the drive letter you will be using. You can choose any drive letter you like that isn't already in use. Below are the drive letters we typically use for various network filesystems.
Letter Dept Physical Path
I: ECE \\\home\<username> (faculty only)
I: IMSE \\\imse
K: ChE \\\che
L: BAE \\\groups
M: AMI \\\ami
M: BAE \\\gis
N: BAE \\\water
N: ECE \\\ece
O: BAE \\\catpuller
P: BAE \\\aerialdata
R: ARECNS \\\arecns
S: DOE \\\doe
S: ECE \\\studentrecords
T: EEXT \\\doe\eext
T: ECE \\\ECE\office
V: CE \\\civil
X: HSR \\\hsr\HOME\<username>
Y: HSR \\\hsr\COMMON
  • Folder: Type in the path name for the file directory you want to access. Typical path names we use are above. The path for your home directory is listed first.
  • Reconnect at logon: Optional. Check this box if you want your computer to reconnect every time you logon.
  • Connect using different credentials: In general, leave this box un-checked.
  • Finish: Click the finish button. This will open an "Enter Network Password" window.
  • User name: Enter your engineering username prefixed by "USERS\": USERS\<username>.
  • Password: Enter your eID password.
  • Remember my credentials: Optional. We recommend checking this box only if you are the only user of the computer. Checking this box will automate access for any user.

For Macintosh computers

  • To connect from off-campus, you must first connect to the campus through K-State's Virtual Private Network (VPN). Attempts to connect directly will not work. On-campus connections do not need to (and should not) use the VPN. Visit the VPN software website (free for K-State faculty/staff/students) to download the software.
  • In Finder, click Go | Connect to Server (or ⌘+K).
  • Fill in the server address that corresponds to the drive letter you'd like to access.
  • When prompted for a username/password, use "users\<username>" and your eID password.
Letter Dept Physical Path
I: ECE smb://<username> (faculty only)
J: BAE smb://<username> (legacy only)
K: ChE smb://
L: BAE smb://
M: AMI smb://
M: BAE smb://
N: BAE smb://
N: ECE smb://
O: BAE smb://
P: BAE smb://
R: ARECNS smb://
S: DOE smb://
S: ECE smb://
T: EEXT smb://
T: ECE smb://
V: CE smb://
X: HSR smb://<username>
Y: HSR smb://
z: NA smb://