- About
- Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB)
- SA2 Air Pollution Monitoring
- New Phytotechnology for Cleaning Contaminated Military Sites
- Sustainability
- Solar Parking Project
- Dialogs on Sustainability
- Intercessions, Seminars & Distance Courses
- Eco-Literacy Reading Group
- Conferences,Papers,Documents
- 2015 International Year of Soils Video (link is external)
- 2015 The Ogallala Road Video (link is external)
- 2015 The Waters of Kansas - KNRC Video (link is external)
- NEER Center
- People
- Contact
- Events
Contact CHSR
The Center for Hazardous Substance Research
2010 Durland Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506
Phone: 785-532-6519
Consortium for Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability (CESAS)
- CESAS Members
- CESAS Meetings, Announcements, Minutes
- CESAS Organization Invitation (PDF)
- CESAS Individual Survey (PDF)
- CESAS Annual Reports
- CESAS Brochure (PDF)
- Speakers' Bureau
What is CESAS?
The Consortium for Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability (CESAS) is a network of partner organizations choosing to work collaboratively to advance sustainability and sustainable development. This Consortium brings together cooperative groups focused on sustainability that integrate and connect multidisciplinary research and education efforts in the areas of science, engineering, economics, and social science. Since sustainable development requires appropriate consideration of both present and future needs, the foundation is the concept of a “Triple Bottom Line” where economic, social, and environmental values are all vital to decision making.
While integrating the social and economic research is crucial, sustainability begins with science. The primary target areas for sustainability science research include:
- Renewable Energy (e.g. solar, wind, biofuels);
- Water (e.g. quality, resources, usage);
- Materials, Products, Process Design (e.g. green chemistry, architecture, design);
- Land Management (e.g. erosion, urban sprawl, protection);
- Agriculture (e.g. crops, animal production, environmental management); and
- Development of Policy (e.g. water, wind energy, triple bottom line metrics).
CESAS provides a structure for participating partner organizations to work cooperatively and individually to advance environmental stewardship and sustainability. The goal of efficient sustainable life styles can be achieved through cooperative programs that include research, education, and public service.
CESAS Objectives
- Encourage scientific, social, and policy research in sustainability.
- Educate students and the public in environmental stewardship and sustainability.
- Provide a forum and administrative structure for dialog and multidisciplinary efforts to work cooperatively to advance sustainability efforts.
- Promote communication, outreach, and service between the academic community and other stakeholders (business, government, social groups, and citizens) to enable efficient progress towards the development of a sustainable society.
- Introduce new curricula in environmental and sustainability issues. Develop and offer new courses and seminars.
- Develop frameworks for assessing triple bottom line implications in sustainable development.
Partners include units of academic institutions, industry, units of government, and other organizations. A complete list of current partners is available.
Member Benefits
- Access to an international and interdisciplinary network of organizations and individuals with an interest in sustainability;
- Opportunities to direct and propose projects;
- Participation in future events;
- Opportunities to work with partners on common goals;
- Access to sustainability information and resources; and
- Partner organizations are connected through a consortium website
How to Become a Consortium Partner
Nominate a representative from your organization and provide contact information and Internet URL to the consortium
Propose initiatives and invite consortium members to participate
Donate to the CESAS general activities fund (consortium dues are voluntary); make payments to the KSU Foundation designated for account I24260, Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability; see CESAS mailing address below.
Upcoming Activities
Please click here for a listing of upcoming events.
For More Information
Larry Erickson
E-mail: lerick@ksu.edu
Jennifer Anthony
E-mail: anthonyj@ksu.edu
Blase Leven
E-mail: baleven@ksu.edu
Consortium for Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability (CESAS)
Kansas State University
104 Ward Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
Voice: 785.532.6519
Click here to go to CHSR Sustainability Initiatives
News & Upcoming Events
2024 Annual
Dialog on Sustainability
Ecosystem Restoration:
the Use of Biochar
Saturday, July 27 via ZOOM Webinar
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CHSR has been announced as the winner of a $23 million grant from the EPA to expand its Technical Assistance to Brownfields program.
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See all upcoming *FREE* TAB Brownfields workshops and webinars
Growing Climate Solutions Act (link is external)
Partnerships help improve water quality in Kansas (link is external)
- 2015 International Year of Soils - Watch the video (link is external)
- The Ogallala Road by Julene Blair - Watch the video (link is external)
- The Waters of Kansas - Watch the video (link is external)
Do you have an upcoming sustainability-related conference or workshop you think should be here? Tell us!
2016 Dialog
2016 Eleventh Annual Dialog on Sustainability
"Paris Agreement on Climate Change and U.S. Clean Power Plan"
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Fielder Auditorium and Atrium, Fiedler Hall in the Engineering Complex
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
Free Registration! Free Lunch!
Email your name, affiliation, phone to:
chsr@ksu.edu, 785-532-6519
We invite individuals, communities, and organizations to come prepared to share input, ideas, and information. In addition to the presentations and dialog, there will be displays, posters, exhibits, lunch (provided), and more. All who are interested are invited to attend and actively participate in the dialog. There is no registration fee, but please pre-register (above) so that we will have a seat and lunch reserved for you.
The Consortium for Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability (CESAS) and its partners will host the Eleventh Annual Dialog on Sustainability: "Educating Leaders for Sustainable Development" on Saturday, July 23, 2016 in Fiedler Hall Auditorium and Atrium, in the Engineering Complex at Kansas State University. Registration opens at 8:00 a.m. and the program starts at 8:30 a.m. This year's dialog will focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The anticipated audience will include undergraduate students from U.S. universities who are working on sustainability research projects, leaders and members of environmental organizations, K-Staters, environmental professionals, and members of communities.
Paris Agreement on Climate Change - Bimal Paul
Clean Power Plan - Dorothy Barnett and Olga Khakova
Wind Energy in Kansas - Rorik Peterson
Solar Energy in Kansas - Scott White
Tables Displays, Posters, Papers, and Presentations
We encourage you to bring information to share (e.g., brochures, flyers, fact sheets, etc.) on sustainable activities that your organization is involved with. Also, posters, exhibits, university course descriptions, and information on future sustainability events are invited. Tables will be available. For posters, please send title and author information by July 15, 2016 so we can reserve poster space for your poster. For exhibits, course description listings, and displays, or if you require table space for handouts, please inform chsr@ksu.edu of your needs by July 15 as well. There is no cost to exhibit.
Table & other displays will include:
- Consortium for Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability (CESAS)
- Audubon of Kansas
- The Climate and Energy Project
- Cromwell Solar
- Flint Hills Resilience Coalition (FHRC)
- Konza Portable Solar Trackers
- Lutherans Restoring Creation
- Manhattan Solar Group/Flint Hills Renewable Energy & Efficiency Cooperative, Inc.
- Nissan Leaf Electric Car
Thank You to Our Sponsors:
- Gold Sponsor: Consortium for Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability (CESAS)
- Silver Sponsor: Cromwell Solar
- Bronze Sponsor: Kansas Natural Resource Council
In-kind Sponsors include: Briggs Auto Group / Nissan Group of North America; Center for Engagement and Community Development; Center for Hazardous Substance Research; Climate & Energy Project; EDP Renewables North America; Eden Vigil; Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy; Kansas Chapter of the Sierra Club; Kansas Women's Environmental Network;
KSU Student and Faculty Services; Lutherans Restoring Creation; Mark Moser, LLC; Westar Energy
Co-sponsorship is encouraged to assist with travel and event expenses; contributors will receive a certificate of sponsorship and be recognized in the program for contributions as follows:
Gold: $500 and greater; Silver: $250 and up to $500;
Bronze: $100 and up to $250
For more information on this important event, please contact:
Larry E. Erickson, lerick@ksu.edu, (785) 532-4313 or
Sheree Walsh, chsr@ksu.edu, (785)-532-6519
How To Find Us Campus Parking Map