Currently, three different MATLAB environments are available on computers managed by College of Engineering Computing Services:

  • the K-State license
  • the MNE license (Mechanical and nuclear engineering)
  • the ECE teaching license (Electrical and computer engineering)
  • the ECE research license (Electrical and computer engineering)
  • the BAE license (Biological and agricultural engineering)
  • the ChE license (Chemical engineering)

The environments differ in the specific MATLAB toolboxes available, and the people who have access to the licenses.

The K-State license is available to everyone. It is a full research license. This license is available on our Presentation Systems, the Engineering Labs and the Fiedler Learning Commons. There are only 25 concurrent seats available, and 5 seats of Simulink. Licenses are shared across all of K-State on a first-come, first-served basis, so there are no guarantees that a license will be available at any given time.

The MNE license is available only to MNE students and employees. To have access to this license server, the user must be logged into the system. On the Presentation Systems, this means using the ENGG Logon shortcut on the desktop and logging in. Please remember to log off or restart the computer when you are done using it. This license is to be used only for teaching, no research use is allowed.

The ECE teaching license is available only to ECE students and employees. To have access to this license server, the user must be logged into the system. On the Presentation Systems, this means using the ENGG Logon shortcut on the desktop and logging in. Please remember to log off or restart the computer when you are done using it. This license is to be used only for teaching, no research use is allowed.

The ECE research license is available only to ECE graduate students and faculty. To have access to this license server, the user must have an ECE departmentally provided computer, aka it is not available in the computer labs.

The BAE license is available only to BAE students and employees. To have access to this license server, the user must be logged into the system. On the Presentation Systems, this means using the ENGG Logon shortcut on the desktop and logging in. Please remember to log off or restart the computer when you are done using it. This license is to be used only for teaching, no research use is allowed.

The ChE license is availabe only to ChE students and employees. To have access to this license server, the user must be logged into the system. On the Presentation Systems, this means using the ENGG Logon shortcut on the desktop and logging in. Please remember to log off or restart the computer when you are done using it. This license is to be used only for teaching, no research use is allowed.

The shortcuts for MATLAB are all located on the Start Menu -> Programs -> Engg Apps. They are all labeled MATLAB <version> - University/BAE/ECE/MNE license. Each summer we upgrade MATLAB to the current release. We stay on this version for the entire academic year, as its not possible to upgrade MATLAB without re-imaging our labs.

The following chart shows what toolboxes are available from each license server:

    .   .   .    .    .   M   Aerospace Toolbox
    .   .   Er   .    .   .   Communications Toolbox
. . Er . . . Compiler MLM . . . . K . Computer Vision Toolbox . . Er Et K M Control System Toolbox C . . . K . Curve Fitting Toolbox . . Er . . . DSP Learning Toolbox . . Er Et K . Deep Learning Toolbox . . Er . . . Embedded Coder . . Er Et . . Fixed-Point Designer . . . Et . . Fixed-Point Toolbox . . . Et . . Fuzzy Logic Toolbox . . . Et . . Global Optimization Toolbox . . Er Et . . HDL Coder . . Er Et K M Image Processing Toolbox . . Er . . . Mapping Toolbox . . Er Et K M Optimization Toolbox . . Er . . . Parallel Computing Toolbox . . . . K M Robust Control Toolbox . . Er Et K M Signal Processing Toolbox . . . Et . . SimPowerSystems . B Er Et . . Simscape . . Er Et . . Simscape Electrical . B . . . . Simscape Fluids . B . . . . Simscape Multibody . B Er Et K . Simulink . . Er Et . . Simulink Coder . . . . K . Simulink Control Design . . Er . . . Simulink Real-Time C B Er Et K . Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox C . Er . K M Symbolic Math Toolbox . . Er Et . . Wavelet Toolbox

C == ChE licenses
B == BAE licenses
Er == ECE reasearch licenses
Et == ECE teaching licenses
K == KSU licenses
M == MNE licenses