Privacy Statement As a nonprofit organization, any user information collected from this Internet site is not distributed commercially to a third party. Some users' system information is collected on various pages for statistical use by our web department only. This data includes the user's web browser, ISP, screen size, inventory of browser enhancements, country of origin, operating system, and in some cases Internet Protocol addressing information. Any information expressly submitted by the user will remain confidential and be used only for the purpose it was intended. While this information is not distributed outside of Kansas State University and the Hazardous Substance Research Centers, it may be provided to law enforcement officials upon request in the interest of full disclosure and cooperation with the law. This statement assumes ordinary circumstances, and may not apply to extraordinary circumstances. Accessibility Statement In all subsequent statements, the organization "K-State" shall serve to include The Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Hazardous Substance Research Center. On Oct. 26, 2000, the Kansas Information Technology Executive Council (ITEC) released the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines for the State of Kansas, which set the standard by which official State of Kansas Web sites are to be made as accessible as possible to all web site visitors, regardless of disability. As a State institution, K-State is required to meet these guidelines. K-State is also required by Federal law (the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) to provide access to its programs and services to all qualified individuals. More recently, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998
requires that Federal agencies ensure the accessibility of their electronic
and information technology, including web-based intranet and Internet
information and applications. It is the intent of this notice to make known that the website for the Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Hazardous Substance Research Center was designed with accessibility in mind, and that the aforementioned website is within reasonable compliance of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines for the State of Kansas as defined in ITEC policy #1210, satisfying "Priority 1" and "Priority 2" requirements established within said guidelines. More information on website accessibility requirements for Kansas State University can be found at http://www.ksu.edu/tools/access. All questions regarding university compliance to these guidelines should be directed to the university compliance officer at 785.532.4392.