The Great Plains/Rocky Mountain HSRC Program Summaries Technical Outreach Services for Communities (TOSC) Program Technical Outreach Services for Communities began in 1994 with center professionals assisting communities in dealing with hazardous substance issues. The program provides an information hotline, workshops, technical and educational programs for communities, site assistance, and public education on hazardous substance issues. The center provides long and short-term environmental research related to key hazardous substance problems in this geographical area. These problems include soil and ground water remediation, waste minimization, and pollution prevention associated with agriculture, forestry, mining, and mineral processing. The emphasis is on contaminated soil remediation. Technology Transfer & Training Program The movement of completed research from the laboratory to commercial application is enhanced through the technology transfer and training program. The program offers a variety of generic and technology specific conferences, workshops, publications and resources. Native American and Other Minority Institutions (NAOMI) Program The initiative to involve faculty and students from Native American and Other Minority Institutions in the centers began in 1994 and covers three areas: a satellite-delivered seminar program; cooperative activities in research, technology transfer, and training; and funding of proposals from MAIs to participate in research, technology transfer and training. The center has assigned a priority to projects with American Indian and Alaskan Native educational institutions. Interagency Cooperative Efforts Information on projects made possible by funding from the DoD. Assistance provided on projects beyond the borders of the United States.